Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Corporate Office Headquarters

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Corporate Office | Headquarters

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1201 Lake Robbins Dr. The Woodlands, TX 77380
Phone: (832)636-1000

Company Overview

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation is operated as a subsidiary unit of Panhandle Eastern Corporation. It came into being during 1959. Formation of the company was triggered after huge deposits of natural gas were discovered in Anadarko Basin. This discovery sparked off Anadarko to dissociate from Panhandle Eastern Corporation in 1986. Anadarko is responsible for undertaking production of oil and natural gas in the United States of America. They are also exploring such deposits onshore Alaska, Lower 48 states and even at deepwater Gulf of Mexico. Their international operations are carried out in Ghana, China and even in Algeria. They even carry out business involving hard minerals. Corporate office is located at The Woodlands.

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