Bearingpoint, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Bearingpoint, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1676 International Dr. McLean, VA 22102
Phone: (703)747-3000

Company Overview

BearingPoint Inc is a multinational business and information technology consultancy service provider in North America and South America, Southern Europe, Poland, and Asia. BearingPoint Inc provides management consulting, business strategy and transformation, technology services, enterprise applications, finance, information technology, human resources, research and development, international development, real estate and facilities, strategy and sustainable development, sourcing, supply chain and operations, marketing, sales, and customer services, governance, compliance, and security. The BearingPoint Inc Company was founded in the year 1999 and has its headquarters in Dallas, Texas. The company serves sectors such as transportation, banking, defense, government, communication, chemicals, healthcare, postal, manufacturing, etc.

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