Coldwell Banker United Realtors Corporate Office Headquarters

Coldwell Banker United Realtors Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1411 Gervais Street Suite 300 Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (803)733-3650

Company Overview

Coldwell Banker United Realtor has their origin in Richard Smith Company, which was established by Richard A. Smith in 1970. They had initially started to operate as a company dealing in commercial brokerage. Afterwards they emerged as a leading organization with two offices looking after sales division and 16 agents to handle all sales related to ranch, farm, industrial, commercial and residential aspects. They were affiliated to Coldwell Banker, but performed as an independently operated and owned company. The company is spread across the regions of Gulf Coast, South and North Carolina, Houston in East Texas and Austin in Central Texas.

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