Emeril's Homebase Corporate Office Headquarters

Emeril's Homebase Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
829 Saint Charles Avenue New Orleans, LA 70130
Phone: (504)524-4241
Website: www.emerils.com

Company Overview

Emeril was opened in the year 1990 by chef Lagasse who is today the proprietor of 13 restaurants. Last year in January 2012 he opened a new restaurant by the name of e2 merils eatery in the area of charlotte. Today the brand has a Lagasse foundation which supports different non -profit organizations and also supports different educational institutions. Emeril presently broadcasts on television and radio as well. Recently from the 1st of March till the 10th, its restaurant in the area of New Orleans took part in a fund raising campaign. Today Emeril's restaurants are opened in different locations all over.

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