Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
13600 Shoreline Drive Earth City, MO 63045
Phone: (314)493-7000

Company Overview

Forest Laboratories Inc also known as FPI is a wholly owned branch of Forest Laboratories Inc. It is responsible for manufacturing, selling and distributing ethical prescription of Forest-branded items in United States. They have developed goodwill in delivering products to people who mostly need them. It employs strategies for creative customer service, state-of-the-art production centers as well as collaborative work environment for anticipating and meeting customer demands. It had been founded in the year 1954. It has around 3000 professional and trained sales associates for direct selling of products to hospitals, pharmacies, managed care firms and healthcare providers. Their customer support team always helps in providing information as required.

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