Hollister Incorporated Corporate Office Headquarters

Hollister Incorporated Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
2000 Hollister Dr. Libertyville, IL 60048
Phone: (847)680-1000
Website: www.hollister.com

Company Overview

Hollister Incorporated deals in medical supplies and John Dickinson founded the company back in the year 1921. At present, the headquarters of the company is located in Libertyville, Illinois. The company is now employee-owned company and its main objective is to help those, who have gone through tough medical conditions like colorectal diseases, cancer, and injury to the spinal cord. It also puts forward continence care, ostomy care, and even wound care solutions to several healthcare professionals as well as for individual patients. It also manufactures the Plastibell circumcision device and it owns manufacturing plants in many different locations in U.S.

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