Honeywell International Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Honeywell International Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
101 Columbia Rd. Morristown, NJ 07962
Phone: (973)455-2000

Company Overview

Honeywell International Inc is a fortune 100 company founded in 1906 by Mark C. Honeywell. The company has its headquarters in Morristown, New Jersey and serves worldwide by producing various products such as commercial and consumer products, engineering services, and aerospace systems for government and private corporations. The technological solutions are offered in the sectors such as safety, security, and energy. The company employs more than 132,000 people with approximately 19,000 engineers and scientists. The company delivers quality, value, and technology always. The company has the following business units Aerospace, Automation and control solutions, Performance materials and Technologies, and Transportation systems.

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