Ollies Bargain Outlet Corporate Office Headquarters

Ollies Bargain Outlet Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
6295 Allentown Boulevard Suite A Harrisburg, PA 17112
Phone: (717)657-2300
Website: www.olliesbargainoutlet.com

Company Overview

Ollie's Bargain Outlet is one of the leading retailers of excess inventory, closeouts, and salvage merchandise. They have their operations in 141 distinct locations across the country. The sizes of the stores usually range from 28,000 to 35,000 square feet. Ollie's Bargain Outlet offers a high quality of products. They offer toys from Mattel, house ware products from Mirro, Anchor Hocking, Rubbermaid, and Ekco, or sporting items from Igloo. They purchase salvage merchandise from different insurance companies. Ollie's Bargain Outlet even has many liquidated retail centers that help to pay off the debt of financial institutions by selling the inventory.

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Ollies Bargain Outlet Reviews

There are currently 3 consumer reviews about Ollies Bargain Outlet available. Share your review.

  • By Julia Fry - Posted on: September 21, 2020

    Received an e mail flier, that same day I stopped at Monaca PA store, only to find out that item was not available. Sent an e mail, but no response.Tried to call, and no one at Customer Service, reason Covid???? This is Sept, not March..... Terrible

  • By betty smith - Posted on: April 12, 2013

    Ollies Kennett Square PA, one cashier, four customers in line in front of me and the cashier was having a problem with her register and kept paging the manager for help. He came out from the back once, but didn't open another register. I waited in line for 25 minutes and as I was paying he finally came out and opened another register saying how sorry he was for the wait. I'm sorry too and will probably NEVER go in the store again. I felt really bad for the cashier..get her some help!!!

  • By AW - Posted on: October 29, 2014

    We need an Ollies in Phoenix, Az !!! There are so many people that moved here from Pa.. And there is no stores like yours !! They are so many Olllies stores elsewhere but here !!

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