Platinum Total Fabricare Corporate Office Headquarters

Platinum Total Fabricare Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
73 Commercial Boulevard Naples, FL 34104
Phone: (239)775-7232

Company Overview

Platinum Total Fabricare, a premier Custom Drycleaners with its headquarters at Naples, Florida in the US, is dealing with cleaning and care of fabrics. Founded in 1989, the cleaning company is undertaking laundry works in Florida counties. Its services comprise of cleaning personal clothes, table linens, bed linens and bed covers employing new technology and innovations for brightness cleanliness and durability. The company also has various wings known as Platinum Everyday, Platinum Select, Platinum Forever and Platinum Home, all doing clothes care and cleaning. Periodical upgrades of equipments are done for maintaining safe cleaning environment, finishing equipment, garment sorting and flow equipment's. Services are maintained with a staff strength of around forty.

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