Ply Gem Industries Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Ply Gem Industries Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
185 Platte Clay Way Kearney, MO 64060
Phone: (816)903-6400

Company Overview

Ply Gem is a privately owned organization that specializes in manufacturing home exterior equipments. The company is popular for producing high-quality articles in comparative price. Sliding accessories, Stone veneer, gutters are some of the special products being manufactured by the organization. Following the fast development of the company, owners have decided to continue development through acquisition. Graham Gem is the owner of the organization and Stephen Graham is the new CEO of the organization. Yearly revenue earned by the company is $15.5 million approximately. The company employs 100 people every year approximately. The company has been accredited by BBB for producing quality home extension products.

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