Rain for Rent Corporate Office Headquarters

Rain for Rent Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
3404 State Road Bakersfield, CA 93308
Phone: (661)399-9124
Website: www.rainforrent.com

Company Overview

Rain for Rent Company provides full service and solutions in liquid handling. Rain for Rent was founded in the year 1934. The Rain for Rent provides solutions for Refineries, Government, Pipelines, Construction, Mining, Environs, Power, Oil and Gas, Agriculture, Manufacturing, etc. The company has its operation at various locations in United States of America and in Canada. The services of Rain for Rent are in the areas of System Design Service, Managed Emergency Response, Fusion Services, Construction Site Services, and Pump Training. The company products are pumps, tanks, boxes, filtration, spill containment, irrigation system, light and power, instruments, piper and hoses, etc.

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