Stop In Food Stores Inc had been incorporated in the year 1979. It has operations as convenience stores industry primarily. It is a subsidiary of petroleum marketers, Inc. Mr. Ronald R. Hare and Mr. Roy Foutz are the current President and Vice-President of the company. According to 2011 data, Stop In Food Stores Inc had generated $350 million. Their mission is to demonstrate appreciation of customers while offering exclusive services and products via marketing and operational excellence. They ensure continued success via providing good service to all its clients equally. Even they make sure that customer details are kept intact.
There are currently 1 consumer reviews about Stop in Food Stores available. Share your review.
Stopped at the Stop In #160 in Rich Creek, Va and it is by far the best convienence store that I have been in. The cashiers were very friendly and helpful. Fresh coffee, and nice clean coffee bar. I was very impressed. Asst Manager, Donna, was very helpful with directions, as I was traveling to another town. I will make this my stop every time I come through that area. You should be proud of that store. Thank you Larry Jones Huntsville, Alabama
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