The Orvis Company, Inc. Corporate Office Headquarters

The Orvis Company, Inc. Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
178 Conservation Way Sunderland, VT 05250
Phone: (802)362-1300

Company Overview

The Orvis Company Inc is a company operating in the United Stated and the United Kingdom. The company offers products related to clothing, home furnishings, and gifts. Some of its products include pants and shorts, shirts, skirts, sweaters and sweatshirts, fleece, accessories, hats, footwear, watches, blouses and tops, sleepwear and slippers, outerwear, gifts, adventure-ready clothing and sport coats, footwear, leather gifts and accessories, travel wear, luggage, and shoes and boots, as well as sunglasses, optics, and magnifiers. The company also retails dog products such as dog toys, beds, apparel products, collars and leads, gates and crates etc.

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