Verizon Communications Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Verizon Communications Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
140 West St. New York, NY 10007
Phone: (212)395-1000

Company Overview

Verizon Communication Inc also known as Verizon is a broadband and telecommunication company and component of Dow Jones Industrial Average. It began as Bell Atlantic in the year 1983 and had emerged as part of 1984 AT&T breakup into 7 Baby Bells. It is #2 US telecommunication service provider and it operates as a joint venture with Vodafone. It serves around 110 million customers out of which 24 million is wireline units. Additionally, the company provides its customers with wide variety of managed network, IT and telecom services to government and commercial clients in over 150 countries. It had 1,800,200 employees according to 2012 report.

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