Visa Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Visa Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
900 Metro Center Blvd Foster City, CA 94404
Phone: (650)432-3200

Company Overview

Visa Inc is a multinational corporation of financial services and is headquartered in San Francisco. It operates largest customer payment system in the world. It helps to access electronic fund transfers across the world mostly via Visa branded debit and credit cards. It operates around 1.7 billion credit as well as other payments. Visa's network has connections with numerous financial institutions throughout the world. It had 7500 employees serving the company, as stated in 2011 report. As per December, 2011 report, it had confirmed to form a global information technology center in Northwest Austin. Mr. Charles Scharf is the CEO and Mr. John Patridge is the President of the organization.

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