Searching for: timewise corporate phone number

First Phone

The First Phone Company is a privately owned company that is in the telecommunications carrier line of business but it is also categorized under Check Cashing services and Depository Banking services lines of business. The First Phone Company was founded in the year 1996 and it has continued to expand its operations significantly since then. Current estimates show that the company has an annual revenue of about 500,000 to 1 million US dollars. First Phone Company is owned by Jack Pruitte. It has its corporate offices located at Revere in the state of Massachusetts in US

Corporate Express Us Inc

Corporate Express US Inc is a reputed wholesale distributor dealing in various equipments and products that include stationery, furniture and other storage systems. They even deal in software and computer equipments, advanced systems for storing crucial data, copiers, printers and other supply materials. The company also deals in various business forms, documents, labels, services for managing documents, apparels and even a wide range of promotional products. They are a credible unit of Corporate Express NV and spread across 165 locations throughout North America. There are more than 40 centers of distribution. In 2008, Staples acquired the Dutch parent of Corporate Express for a whopping amount of $2.7 billion.