5BORO Corporate Office Headquarters

5BORO Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
10 Downing Street New York, NY 10014
Phone: (917)267-7968
Website: www.5boro.com

Company Overview

5 BORO company provides skate boards, t shirts and fleece. The products of the company are available all over the 50 states of America through its distributors and various other retail shops. The clothing, headwear, skate boards, and propaganda are also available on line. The crew members of 5 BORO include Dan Pensyl, Danny Falla, Joe Tookmanian, Jimmy Mcdonald, Willy Akers, Guillaume Dulout, Akira Ishizawa, Mark Nardelli, Steve Rodriguez, and Tombo Colabraro. The 5 BORO also conducts skating events and other such adventurous events. The stores at which 5 BORO products are available can be viewed from its website.

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