Akamai Technologies, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Akamai Technologies, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
8 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142
Phone: (617)444-3000
Website: www.akamai.com

Company Overview

Akamai Technologies, Inc has been established by Mr. Daniel. M. Lewin and Tom Leighton in the year 1998. It deals into content delivery network in internet and has biggest distribution computing platform all over the world. The company's chairman and CEO are Mr. George H. Conrades and Mr. Tom Leighton respectively. It has around 3000 employees as per report stated on 2013 January. It assists online businesses to prosper by reinventing their online businesses respectively. It helps customers to get better security, visibility as well as reliability. Its specialties are Acceleration, Security, Online Affairs, Mobile, Connecting devices and lots more.

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