Anchor Pharmacies Corporate Office Headquarters

Anchor Pharmacies Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
4506 Lower Beckleysville Hampstead, MD 21074
Phone: (410)374-0130

Company Overview

Anchor Pharmacies operate under a pharmacy and drug store industry. They came into being as a private undertaking, in 2011. They offer excellent service to provide home health care equipment's. Apart from crucial medicines, several life-supporting equipment's are also available at the pharmacy and medical supply store, like wheelchairs, CPAP machines, electric controlled lift cars and many more. Corporate office is located in the region of Hampstead. During the financial year of 2011, they have incurred $400,000 as total revenue. In addition to this, they even offer various specialized service such as, compounding and customized dosing of medication, free delivery of medicine and other medical equipment's (locally) in emergency cases etc.

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