Barnes & Noble Corporate Office Headquarters

Barnes & Noble Corporate Office | Headquarters

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122 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10011
Phone: (800)962-6177

Company Overview

The company Barnes & Noble is the retailers for the book in America and they mainly operate through the chain of the bookstores in different cities. The company even operates as the chain for the small bookstores that are mainly situated in the malls of different cities until they were announced like the liquidation of chain. The company is famous for its large and very upscale outlets for the retail and many of these even contains the café that serves the coffee of Starbuck. The company even provide discount for the books and it sells a number of things like, newspapers, gifts, magazines, games and many more.

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Barnes & Noble Reviews

There are currently 2 consumer reviews about Barnes & Noble available. Share your review.

  • By Jason Thomas Stallings - Posted on: June 2, 2013

    I hope this company gets sued by a good lawyer. I have never went through so much trouble to find out who signed up for a new account with my stolen nook. A manager called Sebastion told me to have a police investigator call and he would tell him the persons name. We had the police call and he was shut out. Hopefully he will have more luck with the subpoena tomorrow. This person's name may be the only lead we have to getting our things back. The nook was nothing compared to the other items taken. I will be contacting a lawyer and with his help, maybe i can get some help. Sebastion did tell me it is a woman who registered the nook again. I have two other nooks for my kids and will be selling them to buy kindles. I will never do bussiness with B and N ever again. I will also do my best to give your company the worst reviews possible on the net if nothing is done. It was hard enough to tell my son somebody stole his favorite thing. Now i have a lead on who may have all my things and your sorry people keep hanging up on me and my wife. This is beyond rediculus. Im not asking for anything but the name you have for the investigators. disgusted completely, jason

  • By Barbara Hardy - Posted on: March 11, 2013

    Calling regarding the Nook tablet. Worst product on the market. I would have never bought a Nook If I had known the woul only last in 4 monthe increments. I would like to get a full refund of purchased price.

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