Bonne Bell, Llc Corporate Office Headquarters

Bonne Bell, Llc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
18519 Detroit Ave. Lakewood, OH 44107
Phone: (216)221-0800

Company Overview

Bonne Bell Llc is the producer and supplier of cosmetic and cosmetic related products in United States and Canada. The Bonne Bell Company was founded in the year 1927 and has its headquarters in Lakewood, Ohio, USA. The company offers products for lips, face, eyes and skin. The products of the Bonne Bell are available through drugstores, supermarkets, beauty retailers, and specialty shops, as well as online. The Bonne Bell products are known by its brand name such as LipLITES, VitaGloss, lipLUSHous, and Eye Style. The company also provides color advises for its products online in its website.

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