C R H Catering Company Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

C R H Catering Company Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1600 Morrell Avenue Connellsville, PA 15425
Phone: (724)628-8100
Website: www.crh-catering.com

Company Overview

C R H Catering Company Inc has been established in 1968. It offers its operations in the food and vending services. Joseph M Cordaro is the president of C R H. It delivers delicious snacks, food and beverages along with 5 gallon purified water and machines to their clients. It also provides high quality services, which includes competitive financial aspects. The C R H agents are dedicated to provide the best services to their clients and have opened a new horizon of retailing through Micro Mart. C R H uses the latest technology in their cafeterias and coolers to provide utmost satisfaction to the clients.

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