Charter Manufacturing Company, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Charter Manufacturing Company, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1212 W. Glen Oaks Ln. Mequon, WI 53092
Phone: (262)243-4700

Company Overview

Charter Manufacturing Company, Inc is a private holding company that engages in the manufacture of steel and steel components. Charter Manufacturing Company, Inc offers rods, wires and bars; engineered components for the transmission, engine and driveline applications; flat wire, custom profile and standard shapes; and coil processing and bar, and rod rolling products. Charter Manufacturing Company, Inc also engages in the manufacture of valve spring seats, valve keys, valve spring retainers, core plugs, retaining rings and sliding keys. The company serves clients in the automotive, construction, defense, energy, recreation, general machinery, agriculture and lawn and garden industries. It was founded in 1936 and it is based in Mequon, Wisconsin.

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