Dialysis Corporation Of America Corporate Office Headquarters

Dialysis Corporation Of America Corporate Office | Headquarters

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1302 Concourse Dr., Ste. 204 Linthicum, MD 21090
Phone: (410)694-0500
Website: www.usrenalcare.com

Company Overview

Dialysis Corporation of America operates and manages a network centers for kidney hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. The Dialysis Corporation of America offers chronic kidney disease services. The services of the company includes acute, in center, at home hemodialysis. The Dialysis Corporation of America also provides training and support for home based therapies, and referral for transplant evaluation. The company also assists patients with their medical, nutritional, and psychosocial needs, and provides dialysis treatment and disease state education to individuals through Renal Choices. It is a program which helps patients chooses a dialysis treatment that is suitable for their lifestyle.

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