Dow Electronics Corporate Office Headquarters

Dow Electronics Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
8603 Adamo Drive Tampa, FL 33619
Phone: (813)626-5195

Company Overview

Dow Electronics was started in the year 1959 by three main partners namely Doc Blower, Oscar Carter, and Bernie Wagman. The Dow Electronics company mainly engages in sales of off air reception equipment and electronic repair parts. The company has locations all over United States such as in Albany, Atlanta, Baton Rouge, Birmingham, Charlotte, Greensboro, Jacksonville, Memphis, Miami, Nashville, Orlando, Raleigh, Savannah, and Tampa. The Dow Electronics is a member of Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association and also a member owner of Genie Group. The products offered by Dow Electronics are satellite reception systems, consumer electronics, and newest electronic product grouping.

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