Everlast Fitness Manufacturing Corp Corporate Office Headquarters

Everlast Fitness Manufacturing Corp Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1350 Broadway, Ste. 2300 New York, NY 10018
Phone: (212)239-0990
Website: www.everlast.com

Company Overview

Everlast Fitness manufacturing Corp is associated with developing boxing gears. In 1910, the company started their venture with swimwear. The company leads in world market related to marketing, licensing, manufacturing and even designing various sports items, apparel, accessories and footwear for mixed martial arts, and authentic boxing. Everlast is a highly trusted brand offering authentic athlete wear. Innumerable athletes and other fitness enthusiasts look up to the company for attractive apparels associated with active lifestyle. The company was absorbed by Active Apparel Group (AAGP) in 2000. At a later period, in 2007, a UK based Brands Holdings took over Everlast Worldwide Inc.

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