FOCUS Brands Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

FOCUS Brands Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
200 Glenridge Point Pkwy.,Ste. 200 Atlanta, GA 30342
Phone: (404)255-3250

Company Overview

Focus Brands Inc is an associate of a private equity company Roark Capital Group located in Atlanta. Presently, the company owns brands such as Moe's Southwest Grill, Carvel, Auntie Anne, Schlotzsky's and cinnamon. It produces as well as sells hand-dipped ice cream items like sundaes, shakes and cones along with ice cream cakes. Initially, it had been recognized as Carvel Holding Corporation and converted its name to the present ones in the year 2004. It has operations in more than 3300 stores. Their primary focus is to make customers happy. Mr. Russ Umphenour is the Chief Executive Officer of Focus Brands Inc.

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