Lowes Food Stores Corporate Office Headquarters

Lowes Food Stores Corporate Office | Headquarters

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3701 High Point Road Greensboro, NC 27407
Phone: (336)547-8883

Company Overview

Lowes Foods Stores is a leading grocery store chain that is based in the US and it operates as a subsidiary of the Alex Lee Inc. Lowes Food Stores was founded in 1954 by Jim Lowe with the 1st store opening in Wilkesboro in North Carolina. The company was then sold to MDI soon afterwards. With the acquisition of Institution Food House, Inc, MDI, IFH and Lowes went on to become divisions of Alex Lee Inc that was formed in the year 1992. Lowes Food Stores has grown from a single company into a chain of more than 100 stores located in North Carolina, Virginia and South Carolina.

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