Mga Entertainment Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Mga Entertainment Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

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16300 Roscoe Blvd.,Ste. 150 Van Nuys, CA 91406
Phone: (818)894-2525

Company Overview

MGA (Micro-Games America) Entertainment is one of the leading manufacturers of children's entertainment items and toys. They provide a wide range of collection that includes Moxie Teenz, True Hope, Novi Stars, Bratzillaz, Kachooz, Bratz fashion doll line, Moxie Girlz, BFC ink, Lalaloopsy, Rescue Pts and Hugwallas. Isaac Larian founded the company in 1979. He is also the chief executive officer of the company. MGA Entertainment launched "Super Click-It", an audio game, in 1999. In 2011, they launched animal plushes that are programmed to hug people. They own a preschool named Little Tikes. More than 1500 personnel are employed in the company.

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