Muzak Holdings Llc Corporate Office Headquarters

Muzak Holdings Llc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
3318 Lakemont Blvd. Fort Mill, NC 29708
Phone: (803)396-3000

Company Overview

Muzak Holdings LLC engages in providing business music programming services to clients all over the United States. The Muzak Holdings Company designs, delivers, and installs voice messaging, custom music, digital signage networks, professional sound systems, and drive thru equipment. The company also provides scent solutions, closed circuit televisions, and video management systems. The Muzak Holdings Company serves retail, and restaurant and bar, hospitality, quick services restaurant, healthcare, and financial industries. The Muzak Holdings Company was founded in the year 1934 and has headquarters located in Fort Mill, South Carolina. Muzak Holdings LLC runs as a subsidiary of Mood Media Corporation.

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