Schottenstein Department Stores Corporate Office Headquarters

Schottenstein Department Stores Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
3241 Westerville Road Columbus, OH 43224
Phone: (614)471-4722

Company Overview

Schottenstein Department Stores chain has various stores located in about 113 locations throughout the United States. Ephraim Schottenstein founded the stores chain in 1917. Jerome Schottenstein Joined the business in 1946. They indulge in the business of jewelry, home goods, clothing and other household stuffs at a price much less than the retail price. They even accounted for about fifty shopping centers. In 1966, they acquire Value City store and were also involved in resustication of several bankrupt stores. The chain even acquired a jewelry store, Shifrin-Willens between 1984 and 1995. In 2008, the stores were rechristened into Crowley's Value City.

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