Spx Corporation Corporate Office Headquarters

Spx Corporation Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
13515 Ballantyne Corporate Place Charlotte, NC 28277
Phone: (704)752-4400
Website: www.spx.com

Company Overview

SPX Corporation was founded in the year 1911 and has been a Fortune 500 multi-industry manufacturing organization. Its various business segments include emergence and development like process equipment, diagnostic equipment industries and global infrastructure. It controls ebb as well as flow of multiple industries. Additionally, it supports processed food items and beverages, vehicle services and electricity. It has operations in more than 35 countries along with sales presence in 150 economies. It has around 15000 employees throughout the world and above $5 million earned as annual revenue. Its employees work in collaboration across borders as well as business segments for delivering better ideas and greater efficiency.

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