24 Hour Fitness Worldwide Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

24 Hour Fitness Worldwide Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

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12647 Alcosta Blvd.,5th Fl. San Ramon, CA 94583
Phone: (925)543-3100

Company Overview

24 Hour Fitness Worldwide is worlds largest privately owned fitness center. The fitness center was established in the year 1979 in California. The company operates 24 hours with more than 400 clubs in 18 states of US. The 24 Hour Fitness Worldwide Inc has about 4 million club members. The headquarters of the company is located in San Ramon, Calif. The 24 Hour Fitness Worldwide is now owned by Forstmann Little and Co. The classes provided by the company include active aging, aerobic and step, boot camp, cycling, dance, kick boxing, les mills, mind and body, strength, and water exercise.

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24 Hour Fitness Worldwide Inc Reviews

There are currently 1 consumer reviews about 24 Hour Fitness Worldwide Inc available. Share your review.

  • By sheila - Posted on: August 28, 2013

    I give 24 hour fitness a 2 start because as a member living in Tracy and have to commute to the livermore club in horrible traffic. WHY CAN'T a 24 HOUR FITNESS BE BUILT IN TRACY CA? i HAVE REQUESTED THIS FOR A YEAR NOW NO RESULTS. SO WHEN COME APRIL i WILL NOT RENEW MY MEMBERSHIP. Doesn't make sense the corporate office have these clubs everywhere else but not in tract.

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