Actuant Corporation Corporate Office Headquarters

Actuant Corporation Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
13000 W. Silver Spring Dr. Butler, WI 53007
Phone: (414)352-4160

Company Overview

Actuant Corporation is a multinational company that is operating approximately 30 branches in different countries across the world. The company started its journey in the year 1910 and then it was known as American Grinder and Manufacturing. It is one of the many companies that were developed during industrialization revolution in the US. At first, the company used to manufacture water pumps for different motor cars including the legendary Ford T model cars. Bob Arzbaecher is the CEO of this organization. According to 2011 record, approximately 62, 000 full time employees are now working in this organization. Headquarters of the company is in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.

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