Celanese Acetate LLC Corporate Office Headquarters

Celanese Acetate LLC Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
2850 Cherry Road Rock Hill, SC 29730
Phone: (803)325-6200
Website: www.myacetate.com

Company Overview

Celanese Acetate LLC is a renowned business house under Celanese Corporation that involves in manufacturing various products of cellulose acetate. These products are used in diversified industries including luxury packaging, filtration, insulation, medical, nonwovens and even medical. Their product ranges from applications for textiles, filter media, chemical addictives, construction, beverages, food and others. The company maintains effective strategic geographical position for meeting extensive demands from various customers related to sales offices and manufacturing facilities over several regions of Asia, Mexico, the United States, and Europe. The company is also committed to deliver products and effective and services related to updated technological skills to improve customer's competitiveness.

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