3 Com Corporation Corporate Office Headquarters

3 Com Corporation Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
350 Campus Dr. Marlborough, MA 01752
Phone: (508)323-1000

Company Overview

3 Com Corporation is a digital electronics manufacturer. The company was established in the year 1979 by Robert Metcalfe, Howard Charney, Bruce Borden, and Greg Shaw. The name 3 com stands for Computer Communication Compatibility. The products provided by the company include network interface controllers and switches, wireless access points and controllers, routers, IP voice systems, and intrusion prevention systems. The products of 3 Com Corporation was sold under the brand names of 3 Com, H3C, and Tipping Point. The company has its headquarters located in Massachusetts. In 2010 the 3 Com Corporation was fully absorbed by HP and does not exist as a separate company.

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