Aquavit Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Aquavit Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

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424 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212)957-8884

Company Overview

Aquavit Inc., is a well-known restaurant located in Manhattan. Corporate office is situated in New York. Hakan Swahn inaugurated the restaurant in 1987. In 1999, another branch of the restaurant was established in the region of Minneapolis, Minnesota. However, the second branch failed to make any impact and ultimately shut operations in 2003. Conceptually, Aquavit was highly influenced by a Stockholm-based restaurant. They started to gain popularity regarding tastier culinary after Chef Marcus Samuelsson joined the venture. They were rated as a three-star restaurant by The New York Times in between 1995 to 2010. Marcus Samuelsson penned a cook-book called 'Aquavit and the new Scandinavian Cuisine', in 2002. The book is based on the food available at the restaurant.

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