Bain Capital, Llc Corporate Office Headquarters

Bain Capital, Llc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
111 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02199
Phone: (617)516-2000

Company Overview

Bain Capital is an American private equity company founded in 1984 with its headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. The asset management and financial service company has locations in Boston, Chicago, New York, Palo Alto, London, Luxembourg, Munich, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Mumbai, and Tokyo. Bain Capital provides Venture capital, investment management, public equity, high-yield assets, Mezzanine capital, leveraged buyouts and growth capital. Bain Capital is a leading private investment firm with nearly 67 million dollar assets under its management. The Bain Capital Company also runs subsidiaries such as Sankaty Advisor, Bain Capital Private Equity, Brookside Capital, Bain Capital Ventures, and Absolute Return Capital.

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