Dakotah Direct Corporate Office Headquarters

Dakotah Direct Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
9317 East Sinto Avenue Spokane, WA 99206
Phone: (509)789-4500
Website: www.dakotahdirect.com

Company Overview

Dakotah Direct Inc engages in computer consultation and was incorporated and established in Washington. The Dakotah Direct Inc operates business such as business services, call centers and business centers, customer relationship management software, software development and design. The Dakotah Direct also provides information about relevant profiles of industry and suppliers. The company delivers highest level of standard and professionalism through commitment, focus, innovation, and experience. The Dakotah Direct engages in providing full range of customized services, innovative tele services, and full service contact solutions to its clients. The company is integrated through its inbound, outbound, and ebound internet service.

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