Enron Creditors Recovery Corp Corporate Office Headquarters

Enron Creditors Recovery Corp Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
4 Houston Center,1331 Lamar, Ste. 1600 Houston, TX 77010
Phone: (713)853-6161
Website: www.enron.com

Company Overview

Enron Creditors Recovery Corp is the new name of the previous Enron Corporation that went bankrupt in the year 2001 following the Enron Scandal. Before the bankruptcy, the company was one of the world’s largest natural gas, electricity, pulp paper and Communications Company. The company emerged from bankruptcy in the year 2004 with the court approving for its reorganization after what was one of the most complex bankruptcy cases in the United States. A new board of directors was appointed and the company renamed Enron Creditors Recovery Corp and was tasked with the reimbursement of the innocent creditors. It is based in Houston, Texas, US.

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