Holley by the Sea Corporate Office Headquarters

Holley by the Sea Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
6845 Navarre Parkway Navarre, FL 32566
Phone: (850)939-1693

Company Overview

Holley by the Sea is a renowned residential community under private entrepreneurship. Over 4,700 property owners, within the region and across the world, have their stakes invested in the company. The covenanted community with great architectural standards has an exclusive park across 48 acres of land. The community even has access to Santa Rosa and even includes the Recreation Center of HBTS. The recreation centre under the community includes three swimming pools, basket ball courts, baseball fields, handball courts, sauna and aerobic rooms and even a large conference room. Members of this community can afford to experience and enjoy the advantage of aerobic classes, swimming lessons, water aerobic regimes, competitive tennis and participation in other social events.

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