J C Penney Corporation, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

J C Penney Corporation, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
6501 Legacy Dr. Plano, TX 75024
Phone: (972)431-1000
Website: www.jcpenney.com

Company Overview

JC Penney Corporation in short is stylizes as jcp is an American based retail chain operating 1,102 department stores in 49 states of US and in Puerto Rico. The company sells apparels, footwear, accessories, fine and fashion jewelry, beauty products, and home furnishings via its stores and online website. James cash Penny founded the company and its headquarters is in Plano, Texas, US. The company provides a great shopping environment with dynamic presentation, exceptionally curated merchandise, and unmatched customer service making their customer love shopping again. The catalog of the company includes Sephora shops, Foundry Big and Tall Supply stores.

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J C Penney Corporation, Inc Reviews

There are currently 1 consumer reviews about J C Penney Corporation, Inc available. Share your review.

  • By Corinne - Posted on: April 1, 2013

    I have been a J.C. Penney customer a number of years; I am extremely disappointed in what has happened with this company. Do they really think that customers have not noticed that the quality of products, most especially clothing, has been downgraded? This is a great insult to our intelligence! My last appointment with J.C. Penney Hair Salon introduced to me another grave disappointment with this company. They have raised the haircuts for women by $8.00. Mens' and childrens' haircuts, however, have been reduced! Talk about discrimination. I will not be surprised to see the demise of this company!

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