J C Penny Corporate Office Headquarters

J C Penny Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
6501 Legacy Dr Plano, TX 75024
Phone: (972)431-1000
Website: www.jcpenney.com

Company Overview

J.C. Penny Inc. owns a series of department stores with more than a thousand stores across different locations. James Cash Penney founded the company with its headquarters in Plano, Texas and a number of stores in power centers. The focus of the company is to make shopping experience better and more enjoyable for customers and to offer them great products at great prices. The huge inventory of products offered by the company through its stores include products for home, men, women, kids, jewelry, watches, handbags, toys, and even accessories. Some of the top brands find a place in the list of this company, and the prices are also low as compared to other stores.

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J C Penny Reviews

There are currently 2 consumer reviews about J C Penny available. Share your review.

  • By frazier jeffery - Posted on: June 7, 2013

    Went to JC Penny Grass Valley Ca Saturday because there was a door buster ad in the newspaper Arizona cargo shorts were 9.95 The lady that waited on me was dressed like she was there to clean the building not wait on customers and her language and demeanor was similar. Not only rude but after finally locating the shorts on sale she said I could not buy them till 3 as they were not on sale now. was 12:15 Naturally I walked out never to return Thought door buster would mean when they open. No wonder this organization faces customer issues

  • By Mad as Heck - Posted on: April 23, 2013

    Trying to order child's bedroom set; 5 billings (over 5k) & 25 phone calls later, still don't have the set. Poor systems, poor customer service. If my daughter-in-law's heart was not set on this item I would have run away 20 phone calls ago. I purchase items online several times a month & have never had any problems with a supplier. This was my first online purchase & will be my last purchase of any kind from JCP.

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