Jack Fhillips Design Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Jack Fhillips Design Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
4501 Georgia Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33405
Phone: (561)659-4459

Company Overview

Jack Fhillips Design Inc is primarily engaged into the industry of "Interior Design Services Companies". It is a privately owned organization. Jack Fhillips is into the interior design industry for around 30 years. His own firm has been there for 19 years and his work is being recognized throughout Caribbean, United States and to the Western and Midwest coast most recently. The company also has wide range of projects from hospitals, airplanes, country clubs, commercial offices and residences etc. According to the report in 2011 - Jack Fhillips Design Inc had generated total revenue of $1.3 million. Mr. Jack Fhillips is the President of the organization.

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