Keane International, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Keane International, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
100 City Square Boston, MA 02129
Phone: (617)241-9200

Company Overview

Keane International, Inc is a unit of NTT Data Corporation has operations has IT services company. It provides Application services, BPO and Infrastructure solutions that are delivered via offshore, onsite and nearshore services. It also offers analytics, BI and performance management services including governance, data warehousing, enterprise performance management, predictive analysis, information management, data mining and lots more. Additionally Keane International, Inc serves banking and financial services, consumer products, automotive, retail, high tech, transport and logistics, energy etc. It had been established in 1993 and has operations as subsidiary of NTT Data Corporation as per 3rd January, 2011. It has around 11000 employees and revenues of $1,200 million.

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