Lombardi Software, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Lombardi Software, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
4516 Seton Center Pkwy.,Ste. 250 Austin, TX 78759
Phone: (512)382-8200
Website: investing.businessweek.com

Company Overview

Lombardi Software, Inc is a privately owned company that provides BPM (business process management) software and services to the clients in the US. Products provided by Lombardi Software, Inc include the Teamworks 6 which is a BPM suite designed to offer a platform for delivering applications which support process improvement. The company also offers Blueprint, a BPM product used by companies to identify problems, prioritize the improvement opportunities, and map business processes. The company also offers other services such as deployment solutions, education services and on-site services. The company serves clients in the healthcare, insurance, manufacturing, financial services and telecommunication industries as well as government agencies. Lombardi Software was founded in 1999 and it is based in Austin Texas.

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