Taylor Farms Corporate Office Headquarters

Taylor Farms Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
911 Blanco Circle Salinas, CA 93901
Phone: (831)754-0471
Website: www.taylorfarms.com

Company Overview

Taylor Farms is an American based manufacturer and delivers of fresh produce to the foodservice industry. The products of Taylor Farms are salads, cut fruits and vegetables. The company was founded by Bruce Taylor in the year 1995 and has its headquarters located in Salinas, California, United States. Taylor Farms operates as a subsidiary of Taylor Fresh Foods and is the world largest producer of fresh cut vegetables and fruits. The customers of the company are largest supermarkets chains, and other food service restaurants in the United States of America. The Taylor Farms aims at becoming Americas favorite salad maker.

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Taylor Farms Reviews

There are currently 1 consumer reviews about Taylor Farms available. Share your review.

  • By Dave - Posted on: April 10, 2013

    You use a trucking company with a really bad safety score. The company is Karr transportation.

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