Thriftway Super Stops Corporate Office Headquarters

Thriftway Super Stops Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1900 South Montana Street Butte, MT 59701
Phone: (406)782-5661

Company Overview

Thriftway Super Stops is one of the leading chains of convenience stores. Their wide collection includes guaranteed gasoline, variety of beverage products and foods. They offer quality products, fast and friendly products as well as convenient and clean locations to their customers. Phyllis and Louie Sutey founded the company in 1945. Initially they operated as a distributor of Philips 66 in Montana and Butte. They acquired four Philips 66 stations in 1986 and continued the business under the brand name Conoco. They now run fourteen super stops across southwest Montana. Linda Sutey serves as the president of the company since 2011.

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