Under Armour, Inc Corporate Office Headquarters

Under Armour, Inc Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
1020 Hull St.,3rd Fl. Baltimore, MD 21230
Phone: (410)454-6428
Website: www.underarmour.com

Company Overview

An American company dealing with accessories and clothing related to sports, Under Armour Inc, was founded by Kevin Plank. The initiative was started at Washington D.C. In the year 1996, when Kevin operated the business from the basement of his grandmother's house. Kevin was however able to do a business of seventeen thousand dollars by the end of the year. Headquarter of the company is presently in Baltimore, Maryland. The European headquarter of the company is present at the Olympic Stadium of Amsterdam. Several additional offices of the sports apparel company are also spread across Toronto, China, Colorado, Denver, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Canada.

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Under Armour, Inc Reviews

There are currently 1 consumer reviews about Under Armour, Inc available. Share your review.

  • By Mr. Kevin Still - Posted on: October 30, 2014

    I have twenty teams of poverty stricand youth ,from New York ,to South Carolina and do not have the funds for uniforms , or regular clothing. I'm asking , or more pleading for you're Eregular clothing , or Anything you can spare. This would mean so much , not only to the kids , but there parents also . What ever you can do will be well appreciated Respectfully yours Mr. Kevin Still

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