World Market Corporate Office Headquarters

World Market Corporate Office | Headquarters

Avarage Rating:
200 4th Street Oakland, CA 94607
Phone: (510)893-7300

Company Overview

World Market Company was started in 1958 in San Francisco, US, for the carved original and handmade items around the globe. The item was sold at a cost of cost plus 10 percent and hence was called as Cost Plus World Market formerly. Nearly for about 50 years the company offers extraordinary findings all over the world accessible to all. The company has about 259 stores around United States and a 24 hours online market. Customers can select their needed product from a wide range of eye catching, trend setting home accents, awe inspiring international food and wines and lots more.

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World Market Reviews

There are currently 1 consumer reviews about World Market available. Share your review.

  • By mollie outlaw - Posted on: March 28, 2013

    dear sir. or mame, i have been tryihn to pay my bill online an for the sake of me i can, do it, what is the problem, i want to pay my bill but i can,t please help me, thank you mollie outlaw

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